New Article Up and E-Book Update

by Chris on May 26, 2013

Hey everyone I realize this blog has been a little slow lately. There’s been a lot going on and I’ve been busy behind the scenes. Expect a new post sometime this week.

In the meantime I’ve got a new article up over on to hold you over. Aside from some minor changes this is essentially the exact program I used to put on about 10lbs of muscle over the past few months. So…ya know…you might wanna check it out.

Pre-Exhaust Training: Order Your Movements For Maximum Growth

Also, for those of you have are curious about the rescue e-book I’ve been working diligently to get it ready. It’s about 98% complete and I’m expecting to be able to roll it out in the next couple of weeks. Of course I’ll be letting everyone know when it’s available.



David May 26, 2013 at 5:21 pm

Stoked, broseph.

Christopher Smith May 26, 2013 at 10:25 pm

Glad to hear it Brostoyevski.

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